Friday, September 4, 2009

My life, the rollercoaster...

So much has happened in the past day! As you can see below, I was told yesterday morning I had been approved for surgery. I was sooo excited! I spent the day cleaning my house, doing laundry, and finishing up any last minute details before the weekend. Then, around 5 last night, I got a phone call from Fuzz, my surgeon. He told me that my surgery was canceled, because MedCost had decided I didn't meet all of the requirements. I was a complete wreck. Everyone who knows me knows I'm not a cryer, but I totally fell apart last night. I could not see any positive side in this, and was so crushed!! (Thanks to Kim, Marie, Adrianna, and Mom for listening to me cry and moan ALL NIGHT!) So after barely any sleep last night, I got a call from the owner of MedCost who wanted to explain why I had been denied. I told him all of my concerns and explained how destressing this had been to me, so he agreed to talk it over with Fuzz again. So at 10:30, he called back and said he was "willing to take the risk" and let me have surgery. I was completely shocked and didn't know where to go from there. My pre-op appointment had been scheduled for 10:30, so I was already late for it. I called Amber, who told me to haul tail to the Baptist. She also mentioned that my surgery date had to be postponed to the 15th, which I told her would be fine. As I was heading to Winston, I called mom and dad...both told me there was no way they could get off work the 15th! Hmmm...more drama! I went ahead and did my pre-op assessment, and headed to the clinic for my H&P with Fuzz. I begged and begged for him to change my surgery date, and after promising to name my first 10 children after him, he agreed!

So surgery is NOW SET for September 8 at 10:45am. I'm sooo excited! I really can't explain to anyone how excited I am that this is finally happening. I know there will be more hurdles following surgery, but I feel like I'm still on track for everything to work out! This has definitely not been an easy decision or process, but I'm so happy I decided to proceed down this track. Thanks for keeping me in your prayers, and don't forget to say an extra one for me Tuesday morning!

1 comment:

  1. Molly, best of luck tomorrow! We'll be thinking about you! Let us know if you need anything!
    Tanya and Robert
