Tuesday, September 22, 2009

2 weeks out...time for reality to start!

Ahhh...I'm finally 2 weeks out of surgery! I can't believe it's only been 2 weeks. It seriously feels like years ago! Maybe it's from all of the changes I've made. It's amazing how being in control of my weight/eating habits, has translated into my home life. Don't get me wrong...my house is not spotless. BUT, those of you who knew me before surgery know house cleaning was not my forte! Now I'm not scared of a "drop-in" guest (even though it's still my pet peeve!). It's a very odd side effect, but I'm not complaining!

Ok ok ok...now to what everyone wants to know. Tuesdays are my "official" weigh in day. As of today, I've lost 28 pounds! For those of you that are counting...that's 15 pounds since surgery! Woohoo!! It's such a high to weigh and see the scales going lower and lower! I can't tell I've lost weight yet, except in my t-shirts. Every fat girl knows what I'm talking about when I say that I had to "stretch out" all of my shirts before I put them on. I don't have to anymore! The t-shirts hang on me, the same as before, but without me having to stretch them out! I'm sure it seems like a small deal, but it really does save a little time in the morning! hahaha!

On a blah note...I'M STARVING!! The swelling has apparently gone out of my pouch and my stoma, making them both bigger; therefore, the pouch holds more, and the stoma lets more food go through faster. So...regardless of why, I'm hungry! I'm still on my full liquid diet....and my love of tomato soup is fading rapidly!

I must confess...I cheated a few nights ago. I know, I know...I shouldn't have! Here's what happened: it was about 3 am (I got my days and nights mixed up for a few days), and I was starving, bored, sleepy, etc...all I could do was think about food! So I went on a food hunt in my kitchen. The ONLY thing I had that was not on my diet were green olives. Seriously...green olives. Sooo...I ate one. I chewed it to a pulp...for a good minute before I swallowed. Man was it good!! The first one went down so well, I went for a second one. Then I got mad at myself and ended up throwing the whole jar off the back deck (thanks to a little persuasion by AK).

Work starts back tomorrow. I'm on light duty, which means no lifting/turning/pulling patients. I guess I will make the "Save your Back" committee at work happy!! I'm a little nervous about going back...I'm always nervous about work when I haven't been in awhile! But it will be good to get out of the house and to get back on a regular schedule!! I promise to keep you all updated!

Thanks for everything! A special thanks to mom for taking such good care of me while I was staying with her and dad. She's a great nurse and an even better mom. She seems to make everything better when I'm feeling down. I hope to be able to do the same for her someday!

Love to all, Molly

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

1 week post op...and still kicking!

So it's been exactly 1 week since I had lap band surgery. Things are getting better and better each day! It's still hard to remember to crush all of my pills, but I guess it will become a habit before too long! It amazes me that the stoma is soooo small, that even a tiny pill would get stuck. I'm on the full liquid diet now which is: 2 protein shakes, 6oz yogurt, 4oz pudding, 8oz tomato soup, sf jello and popsicles, water, water, water! I'm having a really tough time fitting it all in! The last two days, I've only had 1 protein shake...I am definitely going to have to get better about that! I just don't have the desire to eat. I don't have a hungry feeling, and food is the last thing on my mind! Very weird, but true...
So here's what everyone wants to know....how much have I lost?? I am still weighing only one time a week, every Tuesday. This morning the scales showed that I've lost a total of 21 pounds! Remember I lost 13 pounds during the 3-week diet, so that's 7 pounds lost since surgery. These have been, by far, the hardest 21 pounds I have ever lost, but it's so amazing knowing I will never see these pounds again! They are gone forever...I don't know where they've gone (hopefully to none of you!), but it's great knowing they will never destroy my body again!
I am off of work the rest of the week, but will return next Wednesday. Until then, I plan on getting back my strength by walking (can't start "working out" again until after my 1 month appt with Fuzz).
I know I repeat myself every post, but THANKS for all of your support and prayers! I can't tell you how much it means to know people are behind you and supporting you during such a life-changing process!
Much love, Molly

Saturday, September 12, 2009

5 pounds down and counting...

Woohoo! Surgery is over, and as of today, I've lost 5 pounds since Tuesday! That brings my grand total to 18 pounds!! Nobody said it was going to be easy though...and it has definitely had its ups and downs (with more road blocks to come). Surgery went well. Apparently I talked mom into updating my blog while at the hospital...one of the many things I have done since surgery that I really don't remember!

My hospital experience was great! I walked a LOT...at least once every hour. Much thanks to mom and Meena for putting up with me waking up every hour! I wore my stupid SCD's even thought I hated them...it definitely gave me a new respect for my patients. They aren't kidding when they complain about them being too hot and itchy! I went for my barium swallow test Wednesday morning...the one thing I dreaded the most. BUT, it actually went really well. I flashed everyone to show them that my panties matched my gown and talked to everyone with a chalky mouth. I'm glad I was able to provide some comic relief on their hump day! It's amazing the things that Dilaudid will do to you!

I've spent the days since surgery at mom and dad's house. Mom is an awesome nurse! She has made sure I'm getting enough fluids, pain medicine, and exercise. The first night I had terrible pains in my left shoulder from the gas that is used to inflate your belly during surgery. It was horrible, but nothing a little Lortab, sleep, and heating pad couldn't fix. Since then, most of my pain is coming from the incision above my injection port, with gas pains only at night (after I've been sitting up all day). The incision over my port is about 2 inches long and close to my midline abdomen. The rest of my incision do not bother me anymore, which is great!

As far as eating, I've done really well. I am allowed 4-6 oz of broth, water, or crystal light each hour. I can have a total of 8-16 oz of juice every day. My favorite has been white grape juice! Drinking with a band in place is something that I had no preparation for. I have to take small sips constantly...no big gulps. If I take a big sip or drink too fast, I get a bad pain in my chest, similar to the pain felt if you swallow a french fry (yum!) sideways. I've gotten better at managing my sips and anticipating my pains from the band. Tomorrow will be a great day! I get to start full liquids including: protein shakes, jello, pudding, and yogurt! I will stay on this diet for 15 days (until September 29th). I haven't had much hunger pains since surgery, which is odd considering how little I'm taking in. When I do get hunger pains, they usually subside with 4oz of broth. I'm excited to see how protein shakes and yogurt settle with my band. I guess I will find out tomorrow!

I will keep everyone updated on my progress. Thanks to all of my visitors and everyone who has prayed and supported me! I would NOT be able to go through this progress with YOU!

Love, Molly

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

This is Molly's Mom, Matella

It's 4:20am and Molly has made me her secretary to create a new blog post. She has done really well and surgery was quick and successful shortly after noon on Tuesday, September 8. Lots of walking already with bearable pain. Had a few visit visitors and has napped off and on.
Of course, she has had the left shoulder pain and is now hurting some with movement at her incision sites (5 of them). She is very tired of the leg squeezers but knows that she must wear them all the time in the bed.
The GREATEST nursing staff and CNA's are here at the Baptist along with the docs. The surgery went really well per Fuzz and the only unseen problem was a small hiatal hernia which is now repaired. Apparently 40% of the population has one and doesn't even know it!
Anyway, she just got more pain meds and is a little warm and wooozy now.........very smiley! Her Mom is happy she is going to rest cause I need sleep too! HAHA!
Thanks for all your phone calls, texts and especially your prayers! Molly loves all of you and truly values your friendship.
We hope to leave this afternoon after she has the mandatory barium swallow to check the band position. She will write as soon as she feels stronger.
Love to all,
Da Momma and soon to be skinny meenie, Molly

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's surgery time!!

Hola! I'm sitting here, patiently waiting for mom and dad to come pick me up to head to the Baptist. Amazingly enough, I slept great last night! After some early (and I mean EARLY) morning texts and phone calls, I decided to go ahead and get up. I took a looooong hot shower, shaved (because I HATE when my patients come in for a planned surgery and their leg hair is longer than their head hair), and finished packing everything up. No worries, I have my camera!! I plan to document this on tape...I can't wait for the post-op pics of me high as a kite! I haven't eaten since Sunday (with the exception of some killer watermelon at Meena's last night), but I'm amazingly satisfied and not starved. I am super positive that this surgery will go well...Fuzz is a great surgeon, and I could not be in better hands. Keep me in your prayers, and I'll talk to everyone on the flip (skinny) side!

Love, Molly

Friday, September 4, 2009

My life, the rollercoaster...

So much has happened in the past day! As you can see below, I was told yesterday morning I had been approved for surgery. I was sooo excited! I spent the day cleaning my house, doing laundry, and finishing up any last minute details before the weekend. Then, around 5 last night, I got a phone call from Fuzz, my surgeon. He told me that my surgery was canceled, because MedCost had decided I didn't meet all of the requirements. I was a complete wreck. Everyone who knows me knows I'm not a cryer, but I totally fell apart last night. I could not see any positive side in this, and was so crushed!! (Thanks to Kim, Marie, Adrianna, and Mom for listening to me cry and moan ALL NIGHT!) So after barely any sleep last night, I got a call from the owner of MedCost who wanted to explain why I had been denied. I told him all of my concerns and explained how destressing this had been to me, so he agreed to talk it over with Fuzz again. So at 10:30, he called back and said he was "willing to take the risk" and let me have surgery. I was completely shocked and didn't know where to go from there. My pre-op appointment had been scheduled for 10:30, so I was already late for it. I called Amber, who told me to haul tail to the Baptist. She also mentioned that my surgery date had to be postponed to the 15th, which I told her would be fine. As I was heading to Winston, I called mom and dad...both told me there was no way they could get off work the 15th! Hmmm...more drama! I went ahead and did my pre-op assessment, and headed to the clinic for my H&P with Fuzz. I begged and begged for him to change my surgery date, and after promising to name my first 10 children after him, he agreed!

So surgery is NOW SET for September 8 at 10:45am. I'm sooo excited! I really can't explain to anyone how excited I am that this is finally happening. I know there will be more hurdles following surgery, but I feel like I'm still on track for everything to work out! This has definitely not been an easy decision or process, but I'm so happy I decided to proceed down this track. Thanks for keeping me in your prayers, and don't forget to say an extra one for me Tuesday morning!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

5 days and counting...

I just got word from Amber, my nutritionist....MedCost decided to approve me for surgery! For everyone who didn't know, I got a letter last weekend saying that MedCost had denied me benefits for surgery. AHHHH!! So that left me with 1 week to fix things. Thanks to Amber, all the prayers, and my coworkers' patience, things worked out! I'm so excited now...and totally ready for this surgery! Not to mention a few days off of work :) I will be working this Sunday, then off for 2 weeks for healing time. Until Sunday, I'm planning on getting things straight around my house, and making sure everything is packed and ready for Tuesday! Thanks again for all of the prayers for this to work out and for my strength. For without HIM, I would not be able to do this!
Love, Molly