Saturday, September 12, 2009

5 pounds down and counting...

Woohoo! Surgery is over, and as of today, I've lost 5 pounds since Tuesday! That brings my grand total to 18 pounds!! Nobody said it was going to be easy though...and it has definitely had its ups and downs (with more road blocks to come). Surgery went well. Apparently I talked mom into updating my blog while at the of the many things I have done since surgery that I really don't remember!

My hospital experience was great! I walked a least once every hour. Much thanks to mom and Meena for putting up with me waking up every hour! I wore my stupid SCD's even thought I hated definitely gave me a new respect for my patients. They aren't kidding when they complain about them being too hot and itchy! I went for my barium swallow test Wednesday morning...the one thing I dreaded the most. BUT, it actually went really well. I flashed everyone to show them that my panties matched my gown and talked to everyone with a chalky mouth. I'm glad I was able to provide some comic relief on their hump day! It's amazing the things that Dilaudid will do to you!

I've spent the days since surgery at mom and dad's house. Mom is an awesome nurse! She has made sure I'm getting enough fluids, pain medicine, and exercise. The first night I had terrible pains in my left shoulder from the gas that is used to inflate your belly during surgery. It was horrible, but nothing a little Lortab, sleep, and heating pad couldn't fix. Since then, most of my pain is coming from the incision above my injection port, with gas pains only at night (after I've been sitting up all day). The incision over my port is about 2 inches long and close to my midline abdomen. The rest of my incision do not bother me anymore, which is great!

As far as eating, I've done really well. I am allowed 4-6 oz of broth, water, or crystal light each hour. I can have a total of 8-16 oz of juice every day. My favorite has been white grape juice! Drinking with a band in place is something that I had no preparation for. I have to take small sips big gulps. If I take a big sip or drink too fast, I get a bad pain in my chest, similar to the pain felt if you swallow a french fry (yum!) sideways. I've gotten better at managing my sips and anticipating my pains from the band. Tomorrow will be a great day! I get to start full liquids including: protein shakes, jello, pudding, and yogurt! I will stay on this diet for 15 days (until September 29th). I haven't had much hunger pains since surgery, which is odd considering how little I'm taking in. When I do get hunger pains, they usually subside with 4oz of broth. I'm excited to see how protein shakes and yogurt settle with my band. I guess I will find out tomorrow!

I will keep everyone updated on my progress. Thanks to all of my visitors and everyone who has prayed and supported me! I would NOT be able to go through this progress with YOU!

Love, Molly

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