Tuesday, September 15, 2009

1 week post op...and still kicking!

So it's been exactly 1 week since I had lap band surgery. Things are getting better and better each day! It's still hard to remember to crush all of my pills, but I guess it will become a habit before too long! It amazes me that the stoma is soooo small, that even a tiny pill would get stuck. I'm on the full liquid diet now which is: 2 protein shakes, 6oz yogurt, 4oz pudding, 8oz tomato soup, sf jello and popsicles, water, water, water! I'm having a really tough time fitting it all in! The last two days, I've only had 1 protein shake...I am definitely going to have to get better about that! I just don't have the desire to eat. I don't have a hungry feeling, and food is the last thing on my mind! Very weird, but true...
So here's what everyone wants to know....how much have I lost?? I am still weighing only one time a week, every Tuesday. This morning the scales showed that I've lost a total of 21 pounds! Remember I lost 13 pounds during the 3-week diet, so that's 7 pounds lost since surgery. These have been, by far, the hardest 21 pounds I have ever lost, but it's so amazing knowing I will never see these pounds again! They are gone forever...I don't know where they've gone (hopefully to none of you!), but it's great knowing they will never destroy my body again!
I am off of work the rest of the week, but will return next Wednesday. Until then, I plan on getting back my strength by walking (can't start "working out" again until after my 1 month appt with Fuzz).
I know I repeat myself every post, but THANKS for all of your support and prayers! I can't tell you how much it means to know people are behind you and supporting you during such a life-changing process!
Much love, Molly


  1. Hey Chic;
    I'm so very proud of you. You are doing great and such an inspiration. Keep the good work up and know my prayers are still with you.

  2. Way to go Molly! You are doing great! BTW.... I LOVE LOVE LOVE your sassy gown! =-)
