Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's surgery time!!

Hola! I'm sitting here, patiently waiting for mom and dad to come pick me up to head to the Baptist. Amazingly enough, I slept great last night! After some early (and I mean EARLY) morning texts and phone calls, I decided to go ahead and get up. I took a looooong hot shower, shaved (because I HATE when my patients come in for a planned surgery and their leg hair is longer than their head hair), and finished packing everything up. No worries, I have my camera!! I plan to document this on tape...I can't wait for the post-op pics of me high as a kite! I haven't eaten since Sunday (with the exception of some killer watermelon at Meena's last night), but I'm amazingly satisfied and not starved. I am super positive that this surgery will go well...Fuzz is a great surgeon, and I could not be in better hands. Keep me in your prayers, and I'll talk to everyone on the flip (skinny) side!

Love, Molly

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