Saturday, August 22, 2009

Mom always said, "If you can't say anything nice..."

"Don't say anything at all", right? Well, that's about how I've felt the last few days, so I've been a little distant from the computer...remember I promised to not be a negative nancy!

So today is day 5 of my 3 week diet...only 16 days left! The first few days were's hard to ration out so little food. It's also very tough adjusting to a new "full" feeling. Being chunky, I've always thought that "full" was a "OMG, I may puke, but I'll just unbutton my pants for now" kind of feeling. How wrong I have been! I'm finally starting to understand the difference between being satisfied and stuffed. It's been a huge change, mentally, but I feel like I'm making progress. You will all be glad to know that I have not cheated on my diet! The only caffeine I have is 1 cup of coffee in the morning, and I've completely cut out all soft drinks (diet and regular) and sweet tea (AHHHH!!!). I do feel a little bad about that last part...I keep thinking about all of those Mickey D employees that will be let go since I'm not keeping up their business anymore! I was feeling particularly hungry this morning when I got to work, and of the break room, there were mini butterfingers, left over bday cake, and chips with helluva good dip! I threw my puny piece of chicken, veggies, and protein shakes in the fridge and high tailed it out of there!! So no cheating for me...I'm really proud of myself.

Next time I blog, I will post how much weight I've lost so far. Look for it around Tuesday! I'm only going to weigh once a week, so that I won't get discouraged and be tempted to slip on my diet if I gain .2 pounds one day.

So that's how things are going on this end! Thanks for everyone's support, prayers, and words of encouragement. I feel so blessed to have all of you as my support group!

Much Love, Molly


  1. Way to go, Molly! Working in 4B and going into the breakroom is a difficult task when you are trying to eat good... sounds like you are doing great.. even without me there to kick you in the butt! =-)

  2. Christion loves you :) You are such a wonderful person and I am SO proud of you!
