Friday, June 18, 2010

Time flies...?

Wow!  I'm shocked I haven't blogged since December 15th!  I am sooo off track....gotta get back on the wagon.  I do, however, have pictures for you!  Does that make the wait worth it??  So let's see if I can jog my memory back to December....
HA!  Should've known better than for that to work!  Here's what I DO remember: basically, Fuzz decided my band was too tight in December, so he loosened it by 1-2cc's...not much, but enough to make a difference.  At the time, I was relying too much on protein shakes and "mushy" foods to make it through, but was losing weight which made me super happy!  After my band was loosened, I was able to eat more "regular" foods, which was good...and bad.  I still had not gotten used to the idea of having the band, and wanted to eat like I did before having it.  That mindset lost me 0 pounds and gained me a 3 month-long plateau.  With Spring came more exercising and a better understanding between me and my band.  I am still a walking meteorologist, but I have found I have very little trouble eating as long as I take my time and are mindful of my bites and chews!  Whew!  What a difference a little change in attitude can make!  Instead of trying to make my band adapt to me, I'm learning to adapt to my band.  As well, I'm getting much better at not eating unless I'm hungry.  I am constantly motivated by myself, as well as all of the positive comments from people!  Thank you so much to everyone!!'s what everyone's been waiting!  At my last appointment the last week of May, I had lost 72 pounds.  According to my measurements, I've lost a total of 39.5 inches!

August, 2009-pre-op

November, 2009: 6 weeks post-op

June 6, 2010: 9 months post-op